
Twinning with every species mother

Here is hindi phrase as bhagwan muh phade hai to khana bhi denge! I was overwhelmed by nature’s planning within half an hour of her arrival milk was there(even with the use of oxytocin).

I remember I came out of the operation theatre and nurses were holding my baby closer to my breast and she was fondly opening and closing her mouth.

That was her third activity I guess which was a little too fast but mother nature has planned everything in advance. Even I have heard that the type of milk is also different as per baby meaning breast milk is different for baby boy, baby girl, twins boy and girl.

Then they suggest different types of intake in form of formula milk, express milk and breast milk. Somehow in the beginning visiting the doctor scare us by saying the baby weight is less and keep on decreasing as she was born 2.48 kg and she was decreasing by 10gm. Till the third day, he scared us deeply by saying her jaundice is increasing so and so forth.

First was breathing

Second was crying

The third was feeding

As soon as I started lactating I can feel some level of connection with the mother of all species and their respective baby. I ought to feel a surreal level of bonding with mother nature. In Hindi, we have a saying that God has planned all for you even before your arrival.

May we all mothers are possible to share every necessary skill set for the survival of our kiddo.



Since we have seen a major shift in the mood of netizen from the beginning to the arrival of the corona -the spread of corona from a single case to first wave and second wave. We have seen how vulnerable our life is how microorganism can be catastrophic in a big way (may it is a virus, fungi, bacteria). After delivery I was infected with UTI was suffering from a fever of 105 degree

Respecting life

So why I am talking so much about the outer world so much because in the past few years I have been on a journey of self-discovery which make bring me to the conclusion that every life is valuable and moreover I am feeling special connection and respect with babies & mother of other species as well.

Since going out & seeking the outer world is no more liberty so I will give you insight into my journey through my pregnancy how things are going forward.

Medical Science and Vedic wisdom

Just to make this blog journey more efficient I will divide it into the term of medical term month-wise, plus how our ancient wisdom knowledge of Vedic wisdom paved a path of bright & shining little one so another pillar would be the performance of sanskaras.

Fruit of my nine-month SADHANA

So what makes it all worth it yes it gives me happiness, it give me sheer satisfaction to be able to breastfeed, to spend a sleepless night in the beginning, would certainly like to spread the joy from beginning from day one.

Since we were married for four years and have gone through all the elderly dialogue so whoever is struggling to conceive I have a piece of advice for you as well.

Memoire of past few years

What makes me document my journey is just another story of mother indeed but when I see how frequently the world is crumbly around me so it is better to give my baby a written testimonial of how, when, what happened.

A reader who ever is reading my post feel free to reach out to me on mentioned issues would love to share my expertise if possible.

Your Lovingly

Namrata(A mother)